Excel pivot chart title variable
Excel pivot chart title variable

The Create PivotTable dialog box will appear. We select cell A2 in our “data” worksheet. If your data is in a worksheet range, just select any cell in the range. Follow this process: Step 1: Specifying the data range Now we shall create a pivot table using the sample file to answer this question.


Read More: How to Modify an Excel Pivot Table Pivot Table Examples 1) What is the total amount of new deposits, broken down by account type and branch? In addition, analyzing data with pivot tables makes less error than with creating formulas. But using a pivot table is a better choice, a pivot table takes few seconds, doesn’t require a formula, and produces a professional-looking report. You can sort the data and create formulas to answer these questions. In which branch do tellers open the most savings accounts for new customers?.How does the Central branch compare with the other two branches?.What types of bank accounts do tellers open most often?.What’s the dollar distribution of the different account types?.How many new bank accounts were opened at each branch, broken down by account type?.Which day of the week generates the most deposits?.What is the daily total new deposit amount for each branch?.What is the total amount of new deposits, broken down by account type and branch?.These following questions, the bank’s management may want to know: But in its current form, the data doesn’t reveal much to you. This database contains a good amount of information. In our sample file Bank-accounts.xlsx, our database worksheet is named “data”. Download Working File Creating/building a pivot table manually

Excel pivot chart title variable